Wednesday, September 6, 2017

God talks to us through His scriptures

Elder Richard G. Scott:
"Study the word of God in the scriptures and the words of the living prophets. We talk to God through prayer. He most often communicates back to us through His written word. To know what the voice of the Divine sounds and feels like, read His words, study the scriptures, and ponder them.5 Make them an integral part of everyday life" ("Make the Exercise of Faith Your First Priority," General Conference, Oct 2014).
Elder Robert D. Hales of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles:
Elder Robert D. Hales
“When we want to speak to God, we pray. And when we want Him to speak to us, we search the scriptures; for His words are spoken through His prophets. He will then teach us as we listen to the promptings of the Holy Spirit” (Robert D. Hales, “Holy Scriptures: The Power of God unto Our Salvation,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2006, 26–27).
Elder David A. Bednar: 
Elder David A. Bednar
“The scriptures contain the words of Christ and are reservoir of living water to which we have ready access and from which we can drink deeply and long. …
“Through normal activity each day, you and lose substantial amount of the water that constitutes so much of our physical bodies. Thirst is demand by the cells of the body for water, and the water in our bodies must be replenished daily. It frankly does not make sense to occasionally ‘fill up’ with water, with long periods of dehydration in between. The same thing is true spiritually. Spiritual thirst is need for living water. constant flow of living water is far superior to sporadic sipping” (“A Reservoir of Living Water” [Church Educational System fireside, Feb. 4, 2007], 1, 7,