Isaiah 58
"If thou turn away thy foot (denotes our steps or
actions) from the sabbath, from
doing thy
(keyword "thy"-in other words, the Sabbath day is not
our day. It’s God’s day) pleasure on my holy day; Elder Quentin L. Cook said, “Honoring
the Sabbath is a form of righteousness that will bless and strengthen families,
connect us with our Creator, and increase happiness. The Sabbath can help
separate us from that which is frivolous, inappropriate, or immoral. It allows
us to be in the world but not of the world” (Shipshape and Bristol Fashion: Be Temple Worthy—in Good Times and Bad
Times, GC, October 2015). and call the sabbath a delight" ("Delight" Hebrew=pleasure or luxury), Elder M. Russell
Ballard said, “Another
important doctrine that we should cling to is to observe the Sabbath day. This
helps us remain unspotted from the world, provides us with physical rest, and
gives each of us the spiritual refreshment of worshipping the Father and the
Son every Sunday. When we delight in the Sabbath day, it is a sign of our love
for Them” (God is at the Helm, GC, October2015)
Then shalt
thou delight thyself in the Lord; (then, God’s pleasures become our
pleasures) and I will cause thee
to ride (ride denotes movement under someone else’s power) the high places (high
places=mountains or temples and other places of revelation) of the earth, and feed
thee with the heritage (inheritance) of Jacob thy father: (D&C 132:37 tells us that
the heritage of Jacob is eternal life, D&C 14:7 says it’s the greatest gift
of all the gifts of God) for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it." D&C 1:38 “What I the Lord have spoken, I have spoken and
I excuse not myself. And though the heaven and the earth shall pass away, my
words shall not pass away, but shall all be fulfilled.”