Thursday, February 26, 2015

D&C 103:27-28

Elder M. Russell Ballard:
    "The Lord isn’t asking us to load up a handcart; He’s asking us to fortify our faith. He isn’t asking us to walk across a continent; He’s asking us to walk across the street to visit our neighbor. He isn’t asking us to give all of our worldly possessions to build a temple; He’s asking us to give of our means and our time despite the pressures of modern living to continue to build temples and then to attend regularly the temples already built. He isn’t asking us to die a martyr’s death; He’s asking us to live a disciple’s life" (General Conference, Oct 2008).

Thursday, February 19, 2015

D&C 98:1-3 Persecution

“In recent decades the Church has largely been spared the terrible misunderstandings and persecutions experienced by the early Saints. It will not always be so. The world is moving away from the Lord faster and farther than ever before. The adversary has been loosed upon the earth. We watch, hear, read, study, and share the words of prophets to be forewarned and protected.
Elder Robert D. Hales “General Conference: Strengthening Faith and Testimony”, CR, Oct. 2013